Dates were to be: Jan 2nd, 2pm, 5th, 2pm & 7pm and Jan 6th, 2pm. but CANCELLED re Covid regulations

‘…..This is the new version of the classic 1938 Daphne du Maurier mystery thriller Rebecca, which had its first legendary film version from Alfred Hitchcock, with Laurence Olivier as the wealthy widowed Englishman Max de Winter – handsome, lonely, frigidly obsessed with the memory of his dead wife Rebecca and summering on the Cote d’Azur. On an opaque whim, he takes a liking to the pretty, timid little ladies’ companion that he meets in a hotel, unforgettably played by Joan Fontaine, and abruptly proposes: “I’m asking you to marry me, you little fool!….” extract review: The Guardian, Peter Bradshaw, 15.10,20
Unlikely to really get the sub plot relationship between Mrs de Winter and Mrs Danvers – but, maybe worth catching