No Outsiders’ Vision: Inclusive education, promoting community cohesion to prepare young people and adults for life as global citizens. An event hosted by Shropshire Humanists
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No Outsiders by Andrew Moffatt: Andrew Moffat designed the No Outsiders programme of learning prior to becoming assistant head teacher at Parkfield Community School in Birmingham.
The programme attracted criticism and protest at the school from a vocal minority of parents when it was introduced mainly on the grounds that they did not want their children to be taught about LGBT issues. In 2019, following Moffat’s nomination for the Global Teacher Prize from the Varkey Foundation, protests grew and spread to other schools in the area. Following continuing protests, the programme was temporarily halted at these schools in March 2019, whilst a resolution with parents and guardians was sought.
Following five months of consultation, the programme restarted in September 2019, entitled “No Outsiders for a Faith Community”, and included year group consultations with parents in advance of the lessons starting. Despite Ofsted having assessed the programme as age-appropriate, objections from some parents and calls for him to be dismissed continued.
As of 2019, Moffat is CEO of No Outsiders, a charity which describes its mission as one which “prepares young people and adults for life as global citizens, reducing potential for terrorism and promoting community cohesion”.
Moffat has received an MBE “for services to equality and diversity in education”
This event is FREE to attend