2014 Film Festival Programme – Sunday 19th October 2014 @ 11:00
The Hive
UK Premiere
2013, United States of America, 7 min
Director: Ewan Duarte
CHANGE OVER TIME is an animated, experimental, personal documentary about the filmmaker’s first year on testosterone from an impressionistic and poetic perspective. The filmmaker asks himself the questions, what kind of man will I become? What emotional and soul changes will I experience during my first year on testosterone?
The filmmaker, Ewan Duarte documented his first year on testosterone in meticulous detail through written journals, audio recordings, and digital photography of his emotional and soul experiences. The result is an in depth, distilled, evocative poem of impressions of Ewan’s musings, feelings of loss, love, and change. The poetic film will leave viewers with the wave of the filmmaker’s experiences washing over them.
CHANGE OVER TIME is a short film that combines hybrid elements of stop-motion and digital animation, digital photography, live-action time-lapse cinematography, and an experimental aural structure. The audio structure consists of the filmmaker performing a poem of his distilled experiences during his first year on testosterone. This is combined with the filmmaker reciting the dates of the year as his voice gradually and dramatically deepens.
Visually, CHANGE OVER TIME shows layered stop-motion animation of journal pages turning, hand-writing, band-aids, syringes, text of emotions and fears, time-lapses of a Redwood forest with beams of light, a gentle creek, clouds, the moonrise, a sunset over the ocean, and a view of the San Francisco Cityscape from Bernal Hill. The digital animation consists of layered images of a bridge-walker, colorful ocean waves, fire, and hand written text.